

Aloha! We're So Glad You're Here.

Aloha Float and Wellness provides health and wellness services in a dedicated wellness clinic. While we are heavily focused on holistic care, we don’t require severe lifestyle restrictions to benefit from our highly individualized care.

Our Story

A Quantum Ball of Energy

An island does not just appear suddenly. It takes time, energy, patience, and persistence to take shape.

The creation of Aloha Float + Wellness was much like that of how the Hawaiian Islands formed – appearing inactive from above the surface, but deep down…a brewing evolution of unstoppable energy. It was through the trenches of the covid pandemic and corporate burnout that a search for soul fulfillment truly erupted to take shape into what you now see before you.

We’ve worked hard to create our own paradise – and are honored to be part of your journey as you create yours, as well.

NĀNĀ I KE KUMU – Look to your sense of place and sources of spirit, and you find your truth.

Navigating Your Wellness

A Map of Our Services

Imagine each wellness strategy is a Hawaiian island. While there are over one hundred islands that make up Hawaii — just as there are many focuses within wellness — we land on these main islands in our approach to addressing your health and wellbeing.

Living Aloha

The Hawaiian Ways

Aloha is the Hawaiian way of living true to your mind, body, heart, and soul, with respect and love for all. Living Aloha not only guides an individual to living their healthiest and best life, but does so in a way that naturally radiates love, health, and respect to others and the community.

Our Mission

Aloha Float and Wellness, LLC aims to provide various multidisciplinary modalities to promote holistic wellness and healing through simplified access to resources as well as educated and experienced professionals with a passion for high quality, evidence based, individualized care.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a pillar in facilitating development of strong communities by empowering individuals to radiate compassion, emphasize the importance of wellness, and encourage positivity through authentic wisdom, spirituality, and gratitude facilitating healing and continual growth for oneself and all of those surrounding.

Professional and Caring Staff

Your Team of Experts

Krystina Kienest, NP

Sem sed molestie donec nulla vitae nisl tellus tincidunt tincidunt facilisi vel neque mauris arcu potenti faucibus quis.


Senectus at nec vulputate arcu id facilisi urna scelerisque elementum, odio integer faucibus tincidunt augue vitae, sed fermentum.


Massa risus dignissim faucibus viverra non odio nisi quis aliquam quisque nunc, mattis amet risus amet urna semper.

Adrienne Moran, NP

Sem sed molestie donec nulla vitae nisl tellus tincidunt tincidunt facilisi vel neque mauris arcu potenti faucibus quis.


Senectus at nec vulputate arcu id facilisi urna scelerisque elementum, odio integer faucibus tincidunt augue vitae, sed fermentum.


Massa risus dignissim faucibus viverra non odio nisi quis aliquam quisque nunc, mattis amet risus amet urna semper.

Kulia i ka nu’u



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Forms and Arrival Info


Safety, Covid, and More
Begin Your Journey

Schedule A Consultation

Now offering wellness consultations from trained healthcare providers and certified holistic practitioners to help you achieve your highest level of health. We’ll review recommendations suited to your lifestyle in a confidential and professional setting.